Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Southern Exposure Exhibition, Cygnet,Tasmania

"Southern Exposure" Exhibition and Competition put on by Huon Art Exhibition Group (HAEG) opened on Friday night at Cygnet Town Hall. This is a bi-annual exhibition and attracts artists from all of southern Tasmania across many fields with cash prizes totalling $4,700.00. Hundreds of people attended the official opening with the exhibition running for two weeks until Sunday March 21st. This year, I believe, was of a much higher standard than previous with more professional hanging and display of works. 

I included two works of mine, "Mondrian Dreaming 1" &  "Mondrian Dreaming 2" both works being drawings in artline pen with gouache.

On the alternate years HAEG runs "Watermark" in March an exhibition with a water theme.

Mondrian Dreaming 1

Mondrian Dreaming 2
This year's poster for Southern Exposure Art Exhibition featured a picture of my mosaic head that I exhibited last year!

1 comment:

Bella said...

Wow! What an artist you are Granny! I love how the colours are arranged in the picture and how you have sliced most pictures so it gives it a sort of symetrical look! Well done.
I hear lately you have been learning the saxaphone! What a great experience. I currently learn the oboe and I am loving it. I love the texture of the reeds and the way it sounds when I blow ever so slitely.
Well got to run and get the latet copy of my catalogue, to see what comments people have left me!
Love hearts for everyone, XXXX Daryl. :)